Sheep Crossing - Kelso, Scotland
2016 CCA National Performance News:
CH MACH5 Millknock Masked Rider, Zorro CD MXC MJB2 XF T2B3 Invited to the Top 20 Invitational for earning MACH 3, 3/22 JWW Master Reg 24" 3rd, 3/23 Std Master Reg 24" 1st, JWW Master Reg 24" 3rd, T2B Reg 24" 1st for HIT in Agility!! owned and trained by Mary Valentine and Number 2 in the nation!
CH PACH BranestormUnforgettable, Minnie HSAs OA OAJ MXP4 MXPB MJP4 MJPB PAX CGC, Minnie - (sired by Prince)
Herding: 4th HSAs to finish her HSAs title, made first cut BOV smooth bitches, Double Qualified agility JWW and standard with a 2nd, and Wednesday another Q in standard and 2nd, First RN leg with 96, Earned VX title, Qualified for most versatile 4th place
MACH 5 Branestorm Second Tri, Joy CD PT MXS2 MJG2 NAP NJP CGC, Joy : Q Novice B 184.5 for CD title,
Invited Top 10 Performance, Qualified most versatile 10th place, Agility Q JWW Tuesday and
Double Q wednesday, and 19 in the nation
Boonehaven Evanti's Summer Love, Summer RN HT,
4th in BN obedience to finish her BN title (Yvonne Wynn-Evans, sired by Prince)
Millknock Kelso Daydream Peacemaker RATN, Colt (Jim Smotrel, Skittles x Pele) 1st in beginner novice
and finished title, also ran agility "Not ready for prime time"
MACH 3 Millknock Masked Rider CD MXB MJB OF T2B ptd Owner: Mary Valentine
(GCH Kelso's Moon Dancin' HSAs RE x Ch Millknock Silhouette)
HIT Obedience, 2014 #2 Agility Collie in AKC MACH Competition, #1 Collie in the Tournament
and 2nd in the 24" Class in Finals.
Ch Overland Blue Moon Rising RN BN
Sired by GCh Kelso's Moon Dancin' RE HSAs, Owner: Peg Vohr
Riser earned his BN and RN
VCH Mountainside Beulah Land BPGW MXPB MJP2 OFP HSAs THDA CD BN RN "Beulah"
Breeder/Owner: Mountainside Collies, Sired by GCh Kelso's Moon Dancin' RE HSAs
MACH Forecast Perfect Storm Dancin' HSAd MXF T2B2 NAP VX ptd. "Splash"
Breeder/Owner: Carol Lariviere, Sired by GCh Kelso's Moon Dancin' RE HSAs
Kelso's Makin' You Smile HSAsd HSBd STDds HTAD-IIIds HRD-IIIds Handled by Kelly Martin
(GCh Kelso's Moon Dancin' HSAs RN x Ch Devinwood The Other Side of Paradise)
co-bred: Nancy Kelso DVM, Peter Denbow, Jacqueline Caruso
1 Reserve HIT, 1 HIT, 1 perfect score!
U-CDX CH Kelso's Celestial Gold CDX GN RA AX AXJ CDX-C TT HIC "Kip"
Owner: Anita Andorn
Kip earned HIT's in Novice B with scores of 199, 197.5, and 193.5 !!
Kelso's Catch The Moon HSAsd AXP AJP "Carson"
(GCh Kelso's Moon Dancin' x Ch Kelso's Staccato HSAs OAP NAP VX)
bred by Nancy Kelso DVM, owned by Susan Carbee
Sunnyside Kelso's Moonstruck For Ewe HSAs RN CGC ptd. "Shiner" owner: Dolly Wright
CH Branestorm Unforgettable PT OA OAJ MXP2 MXPB MJP2 MJPB CGC
sired by GCh Kelso's Moon Dancin' RE HSAs, bred by Michele & Brian Brane
MACH4 Branestorm Second Tri PT MXC MJB2 NAP NJP CGC
sired by GCh Kelso's Moon Dancin' RE HSAs, bred by Michele & Brian Brane
GCH Wynhaven's Just Do It, CD, RA, HXAds, HIBd, AX, AXJ, XF, NJP, VCX, VX
sired by GCh Kelso's Moon Dancin' RE HSAs, bred by Yvonne Evans-Wynn
GCH Wynhaven's Moon Shadow, BN, RN, HSAds, HSBd, AX, AXJ, OF, OJP, VCX, VX
sired by GCh Kelso's Moon Dancin' RE HSAs, bred by Yvonne Evans-Wynn
Boonehaven Evanti’s Summer Love, IT
sired by GCh Kelso's Moon Dancin' RE HSAs, owned by Yvonne Evans-Wynn
GCH Wynhaven's Just Do It, CD, RA, HXAds, HIBd, AX, AXJ, XF, NJP, VCX, VX
sired by GCh Kelso's Moon Dancin' RE HSAs, bred by Yvonne Evans-Wynn
Ch Wynhaven's Blackjack UD BN RE HSAd MXP MJP XFP T2BP TDX VCD3 VX "Jack"
Sire: GCh Kelso's Moon Dancin' HSAs, Breeder: Wynhaven Collies, Owner Rolanda Dane
Jack is the first Collie to earn a VCD3 (UD, AX/P, AXJ/P, TDX)
Kelso's Lightin'Bolt To The Moon PT
owner Chris Carilli and Star earning her PT title
Yvonne Wynne burning up the agility and herding courses with her Prince kids: Wynn, Nike, and Shadow!
CH Kelso's Jumpin' the Moon HIAs "Peter Pan"
CH Kelso's Staccato HSAs, OAP, NAP, VX "Pumpkin"
Kelso's Dancin' With Joy HXAs "Cavy"
Kelso's Trophy Wife HIC CGC, pointed
(GCh Kelso's Moon Dancin' HSAs x Bonleigh's Classic Reflection)
owner: Andrew Nelson and Nancy Kelso DVM